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ARCHI ● Business

ARCHI ● Business

Archi Group is the leading construction and development company in Georgia established in 2006 and uniting up to 20 000 family members.

Archi wanted a website to promote it in Israel and for only Israeli clients. Archi team provided Figma design and the main request was about functionality so that the website visitors could browse easily and comfortably building project multiple floors and flats.

I used Polygon Shaped Floors & Flats functionality with the floor switcher. Now the building is mapped with shapes and each building floor is connected to the floor plan and then the flat which opens the final flat popup with a contact form.

Desktop View
Mobile View
Project details
WordPress, ACF advanced custom fields, Responsive on all devices, Inquiry Forms, Floors & Flats selection, Polygon Shaped Floors & Flats

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